Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Respect parents

Source: H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - The Book of Adi Shakti - Mooladhara chakra - excerpt

Those people who do not respect their parents and their elders always have a weak Mooladhara Chakra when they come to Sahaja Yoga.

They also have a very weak Right heart Centre (Anahata Chakra) where Shri Rama resides with His wife, Sita. If they are particularly unkind to their mothers, then the Centre and Right Heart gets very weak.

We must therefore understand just how important our parents are, and how the spiritual link is held in the inner being of personality. Our parents have their roots in the Primordial Parents, and marriage has its roots in their primordial and eternal loving relationship.

Those who do not respect their marriage, or enjoy the glory of their chastity, also suffer from a very weak Heart Centre and Mooladhara Chakra. In such shameless, sex-obsessed people the Kundalini just does not rise.

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