Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Kechari mudra


Shri Mataji: I am sitting here, where are you going to meditate? Meditate on Me. Keep your eyes open, just keep your eyes open. Now all the children should put their hands like this, all right? And watch Me. Lift your tongues and put them back as much as possible. Turn it backward. Let it feel the bliss of the Divine on its tip. Now put your chin down, touching your…don’t close your eyes. In complete surrender, put the chin. But don’t close your eyes. Pay attention to your Sahasrara. Loosen your hands fully on the sides, make them loose. Sit straight. Do not touch the palate. Now breathe in. Do not push back the tongue. Keep the tongue where it is. Breathe in. Now raise your stomach, without taking out the breath, upward, pushing the air upward towards the lungs. Push your stomach in. Attention on the Sahasrara. You start seeing light through Sahasrara. Sort of the Sahasrara becomes like eyes. Now leave it. Leave it now. Raise your head. Now put back your heads. Put the fingers [in the ears]. Put the attention to your Sahasrara, that’s all. Don’t say anything, no mantras. Take out your tongue, push it back. Take in your breath. Push the stomach. That’s good. Now watch Me continuously without blinking. Without any pressure on the eyes. Attention on the Sahasrara. You can do it without blinking. May God bless you. This is it, physically, we have worked out our attention, on our Vishuddhi and on our Agnya. The left Vishuddhi is still there. Now put your head more on the right side, loose, like this. With the attention on the Sahasrara, looking at Me. Put it loose. Hand to be loose. Loosen it. Now better. You feel the Kundalini rising? Let us put ourselves into bandhan after raising our Kundalini. Raise. Attention on your Sahasrara. Don’t close your eyes, push back your head. One. Again. Sit straight. Take it up on your head. Two…three. Now a bandhan. One, two. Do it properly, systematically. All of us should do properly. Three…four…five…Try to wait as I am doing it…six…seven. Still we have not done it properly. We all should do in one rhythm. Let’s do it again. One. slowly…two, with attention on the Sahasrara…three…How do I do it? …four…five…good…six. attention on Sahasrara…seven. Rising? Let’s have the last binding…haaa! Now see. Clear? Tremendous. May God bless you.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Birth of self realized person

A soul is thus born again and again. In the mother’s womb the sperm, formed by the Mahasaraswati power and containing the soul (consisting of the five elements less the earth), and the spirit enter into the ova (formed by the Mahakali power), which is the earth element, and an embryo is formed. When the embryo fixes itself to the wall of the uterus, the Kundalini enters through the fontanelle bone (Brahmarandhra) at
the top of the skull. The foetus now starts growing. Actually it is the entry of the Kundalini that fixes the foetus to the uterine wall. In ordinary language, we can call the soul, spirit. The spirit properly so-called, the Atma, is actually dormant, and only manifests its light after Self-realization has occurred.
When Self-realized souls die their Kundalini stays in the soul, as the spirit (Atma) becomes one with the Kundalini. Even in this category, though, there are three or four distinctly different types of souls who take their birth according to their achievements and advancement.
Realized souls are able to see the Kundalini as twisted, coiled identities in the atmosphere. They can also see good and bad souls as round bodies, their colours expressing their quality. They do not see the body of the souls, but possessed people can see such bodies as they belong to the subconscious strata themselves.
H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Creation, the Eternal Play -
The Subconscious and the Collective Subconscious - Incarnation

Friday, March 1, 2019

Chakras above Sahasrara

No photo description available.


Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Treatment for mooladhara


It is observed as the right Mooladhara improves, our useless mental activity reduces and inner silence augments greatly. Thus right Mooladhara plays an important role in balancing and establishing Thoughtless Awareness. But this must not be understood that we need to neglect left and center Mooladhara. In fact without awakening Shri Nirmal Ganesha and Shri Gauri Ganesha, Shri Kartikeya cannot be awakened.

Following is the meditation to improve Mooladhara (as told by Shri Mataji during Shri Ganesha Puja 86)
  1. Left hand towards Mother and right hand on the ground. Put attention on left Mooladhara
    1. Take Nirmal Ganesha mantra
    2. Say in your heart – “Mother, by Your Grace, I am innocent.” 
    3. Meditate for few minutes.
  2. Then both hands on the lap. Put attention on center Mooladhara; 
    1. Take Shri Ganesh Gauri mantra
    2. And say in your heart –“Shri Mataji, please make me innocent.”
    3. Meditate for few minutes.
  3. Then put right hand towards Mother and left hand on the ground. Put attention on Right Mooladhara.
    1. First take Shri Kartikeya mantra.
    2. Say in your heart –“ Shri Mataji, please make me worthy of you.” and meditate for a few minutes.
    3. Then take Shri Rakshas hantri mantra and again meditate on right Mooladhara, also say loudly in your heart - “Mother, you are the destroyer of all the evil in me.” and meditate for a while.
    4. Finish the morning meditation. Then the attention becomes pure and we go in thoughtless awareness.
  4. Take mantra “ Om twameva Sakshat Shri Ganesh Gauri Sakshat, Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devyei Namo Namaha.”
It is observed that after meditating like this our whole day passes very nicely.
Shri Mataji has said if we do that every or alternate morning ( by heart and not mechanically) for one year, this meditation develops the entire being in such a way that all the obstacles in the path of ascent go away.

Treatment for right mooladhara


Prayer to improve right mooladhara
  1. Keep right hand towards Shri Mataji's photograph and left hand on Mother Earth and pray 
    1. “Mother, kindly purify and improve my right Mooladhara.”
    2. “Shri Mataji, verily you are the slayer of all the demons.”
    3. “Shri Mataji, please make me worthy of You.”
    4. “Shri Mataji, whatever I do is to please You.”
    5. “Shri Mataji, please bless me with the qualities of Shri Kartikeya.”
    6. “Shri Mataji, please bless me with the complete surrender and Divine wisdom of Shri Ganesha.”
  2. We can take the following 3 mantras:
    1. Shri Kartikeya Sakshat, 
    2. Shri Rakshas Hantri Sakshat
    3. Shri Rakshaghni Sakshat

Importance of right Mooladhara


The Importance of right mooladhara:

  1. Right Mooladhara is the chakra which is abode of Shri Kartikeya and he is the one who protects us from the demonic forces.
  2. Right Mooladhara is the chakra who manifests wisdom and surrendering of Shri Ganesha.
  3. Right Mooladhara is also important as out of eleven Ekadesha Rudras two are Shri Ganesha and Shri Kartikeya. The Rudras protect us from satanic attacks and give us strength to fight negativities. Therefore, right Mooladhara becomes equally important for clearing and strengthening our left side.
  4. It is observed that when our right Mooladhara improves our catching of left Swadhisthana reduces.
  5. Shri Kartikeya also keeps supervision over hell. Shri Bhairavnath, while fighting against spirit possessions in us, touches Right Mooladhara and therefore works in coordination with Shri Kartikeya to thwart the negativities from our subtle system back to hell from where they came.
  6. The power of Shri Kartikeya is also very essential in preserving our innocence. When the Kundalini ascends from the sacred bone to Sahasrara, right Mooladhara plays an important role in clearing out the blockages in the path of Kundalini.
  7. It is observed that when our right Mooladhara improves our Right side also becomes better: for two reasons:
    1. Since Mooladhara is directly associated with our Agnya chakra, so right Mooladhara directly cures right Agnya, and 
    2. It also repairs the weakened ego-controlling Rudra on our forehead. (Out of 11 Rudras present on our forehead, two are present to control our ego and superego). As an effect of reduced ego we develop Shraddha and enlightened mind (which has Divine discretion and knowledge).

One cannot describe how He looked after His Mother, it's impossible. No words can describe the understanding of Christ for His Mother, His love, His gentleness, His care, His devotion, dedication, His Shraddha cannot be described. And you know that He came as an evolved Shri Ganesha, and at the back He is Shri Ganesha, front He is Shri Kartikeya, very powerful, eleven Rudras, and this, has given Him the highest position.

Respect parents

Source: H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - The Book of Adi Shakti - Mooladhara chakra - excerpt

Those people who do not respect their parents and their elders always have a weak Mooladhara Chakra when they come to Sahaja Yoga.

They also have a very weak Right heart Centre (Anahata Chakra) where Shri Rama resides with His wife, Sita. If they are particularly unkind to their mothers, then the Centre and Right Heart gets very weak.

We must therefore understand just how important our parents are, and how the spiritual link is held in the inner being of personality. Our parents have their roots in the Primordial Parents, and marriage has its roots in their primordial and eternal loving relationship.

Those who do not respect their marriage, or enjoy the glory of their chastity, also suffer from a very weak Heart Centre and Mooladhara Chakra. In such shameless, sex-obsessed people the Kundalini just does not rise.

Chakras and position in spinal chord